Call for Proposals

Versão portuguesa Versión española


October 7-9, 2015


  • Abstracts submission: August 21 (first call) / September 7 (second call), 2015
  • Notification: August 31 (first call) / September 11 (second call)
  • Full papers submission: October 1

Stereo & Immersive Media — 2015 International Conference aims to bring together researchers, artists and archivists working on visual media renowned for their stereoscopic and/or immersive features.

Stereo and immersive media environments provide an expanded field to photographic media since the 19th century. The recent revival of interest in stereo and immersive technologies has set an opportunity to research its historical roots and also the present-day challenges to visual culture.

This conference welcomes a diversity of approaches and topics that may contribute to the critical understanding of stereo and immersive media today.

Suggested research topics for contributions include:

  1. Stereoscopic photography;
  2. Stereo photography, archival and curatorial practices;
  3. Immersive cinematic media;
  4. Scientific stereoscopic practices;
  5. Immersive media art installations;
  6. Videogames and augmented realities;
  7. Haptic and visual media cultures.

The official languages of the conference are English, Portuguese and Spanish. Best papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts .

Submission guidelines can be found here

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